Fast-forward to 18:16min to hear Dr Lindsay McMillan talk about Reventure’s research - how the increased use of technology in the workplace creates greater levels of stress and leave people feeling they always have to be available.

Not-for-profit company Reventure conducted an online survey of 1,001 people on workplace stress. Forty-six per cent of overall respondents said they felt like technology meant they were "always on" and couldn't ever completely switch off.

For young people, the survey results were worse. Fifty-four per cent of young people said they had experienced "technology stress" sometimes or often.

"Whilst technology has undoubtedly increased productivity and connectedness, it seems to be having a troubling impact on work patterns and the ability of workers to switch off from their job," lead researcher for the company, Lindsay McMillan, said.

Lindsay said work-life balance is "vital", and that it's important that ever-present technology "does not negatively impact on healthy relationships and lifestyles outside of work".